Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu voda

IFAT 2016. održat će se u Minhenu od 30. svibnja do 03. lipnja. Njemačko udruženje za za vode, otpadne vode i otpad (DWA) objavilo je raspored svojih aktivnosti na nadolazećem sajmu. Donosimo Vam detaljni pregled aktivnosti preuzet iz njihove službene objave (na engleskom jeziku):

The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) is represented at the IFAT from 30 May to 3 June 2016 with a varied, informative and entertaining programme. The offerings include technical-scientific forums, university and professional competitions, the Senior Water Expert Programme, the Young Professionals’ Lounge, the IFAT Job Centre and the DWA joint stand. The programme in detail:

I. Technical-scientific forums

For lectures, discussions and exchange of information, also simultaneously in German-English, the DWA has reserved two event areas in Hall B 0 under the motto Think Green – Think Future. Research, Training, Human Resources.

The offers of the Session Area 1 include:

1. Day of Municipalities, 30 May, 11.00 to 13.30 h

2. UN Forum Water and Jobs, 30 May, 14.00 to 17.00 h

3. Innovation Forum Water Management, 31 May, 10.00 to 14.30 h

4. Research Forum INIS/ERWAS , 31 May, 15.00 to 17.00 h

5. 18th International EWA Symposium:
1 June, 10.00 to 14.30 h

2 June, 10.00 to 14.30 h

6. Human Relations Forum Job and Career
for decision-makers: 1. June, 15.00 to 17.00 h

for young professionals: 2. June, 15.00 to 17.00 h

7. DAAD/DWA forum Science meets Business – Junior and Senior Water Professionals in Dialogue, 3. June, 10.00 to 14.00 h

In the Session Area 2 the following are being held:

8. DWA Forum Sewer systems in Germany – Current survey data,

30. May, 13.30 to 14.30 h

9. Higher Education Forum, 31 May, 9.30 to 17.30 h

10. International Forum, 1 June, 10.00 to 12.30 h

11. DWA Forum The Future of COD, 1 June, 13.00 to 15.30 h

12. Great Water Cities – Challenges of Tomorrow, 1 June, 16.00 to 17.45 h

13. Forum Women in Water Management, 2 June, 09.30 to 12.00 h

14. Biogas Forum, 2 June, 12.30 to 14.30 h

15. Skills Competition Worldwide in Water Supply and Wastewater Technology, 2 June, 15.00 to 17.00 h

1. Day of Municipalities

The Day of Municipalities, which is organised by the DWA in cooperation with the central associations of the local authorities, deals with the topic Flood water and heavy rainfall prevention in practice. Among other things, the event looks at the question of how measures of the national flood protection programme can be implemented in practice. Dealing with heavy rain is another issue. The question of how local authorities and citizens can prepare themselves is examined from the perspective of the local authorities. Innovative solutions for flood protection are to be presented.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 30. May, 11.00 to 13.30 h

2. UN Forum “Water and Jobs”

Functioning water management needs qualified professionals at all career levels. The UN Forum Water and Jobs is engaged in the promotion of skills and competencies in international cooperation and the concept of lifelong learning in the water sector. The United Nation’s motto for World Water Day 2016 on 22 MarchWater and Jobs is to be taken up and discussed with international experts. Practical examples and future challenges are to be presented.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 30 May, 14.00 to 17.00 h

3. Innovation Forum Water Management – two current priorities

Under the motto from research into practice, at the sixth Innovation Forum Water Management, experts from academia, business, public administration and the local authorities discuss current water management research priorities and their implementation in practice. The central themes this year are the involvement with spatial data infrastructures and export-oriented research.

The Innovation Forum Water Management is organised by the DWA in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German federal environmental foundation – DBU). The aim of the measures is to promote the exchange between research and practice.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 31 May, 10.00 to 14.30 h

4. Research Forum

Following the Innovation Forum, in the DWA Research Forum, under the motto Modules for water systems of the future – innovative, flexible and energy-efficient, the German Ministry of Research presents selected projects from the two BMBF funding measures INIS (Smart and Multifunctional Infrastructural Systems for Sustainable Water Supply, Sanitation and Stormwater Management) and ERWAS (Energy-efficient and Resource-saving Water Management). The aim of the measures is to push ahead with the development of an integrated and sustainable water infrastructure and to promote the acceptance of new methods. The Ministry’s partners are the DWA and the Deutsche Institut für Urbanistik (German institute of urban affairs), which support the transfer of research results into practice and to the professional public.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 31 May, 15.00 to 17.00 h

5. International EWA Symposium

The 18th EWA International Symposium Challenges arising from Micro-Pollutants in Wastewater, Water and Environment of the European Water Association (EWA) deals with the current research and discussion on the subjects

Occurrence of Micro-Pollutants in Wastewater, Drinking Water and related Environment
Analytics for Identification of Micro-Pollutants
Developments, Results and Experiences concerning Processes to eliminate Micro-Pollutants
It is aimed at an international professional audience from science and practice.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 1 and 2 June, 10.00 to 14.30 h

6. Human Relations Forums “Job and Career”

The two human relations forums Job and Career for decision-makers and young professionals, which the DWA hosts together with the German technical and scientific association for gas and water (DVGW), look at demographic and technological changes. Especially at the level of skilled workmen and senior technicians, qualified personnel are lacking. The forums provide tips and recommendations for employers and trainees.

Decision-makers: Job and Career – human relations 4.0. Competence development during technical and demographical changes
Young professionals: Job and Career. Chances in the water supply and wastewater industry.
Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 15.00 to 17.00 h respectively

7. DAAD/DWA Forum “Science meets Business – Junior and Senior Water Professionals in Dialogue”

In an increasingly globalised world, professional networking with national and international organisations is becoming increasingly important. In Germany, water management students and foreign experts who have studied in Germany meet in the DAAD / DWA forum Science meets Business – Junior and Senior Water Professionals in Dialogue to discuss with company representatives the attractiveness of studying in Germany and the subsequent opportunities on the domestic and international market. Young students and experienced alumni meet to exchange experiences.

Hall B 0, Session Area 1, 10.00 to 14.00 h

8. DWA Forum “Sewer systems in Germany – Current survey data”

In the DWA forum Sewer systems in Germany – Current survey data, network operators, rehabilitation companies, planning offices, material and pipe manufacturers and also representatives of local authorities, politics and the press can find out about the results of the DWA survey from the year 2015 with the same name. Current questions where answers are sought are: “How is wastewater disposal developing in Germany? Are sufficient investments being made in sewer rehabilitation? Or is the onus being shifted to future generations?

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 30 May, 13.30 to 14.30 h

9. University Forum

The focus of the University Forum is on the exchange among the universities and between companies and research funding sources. Various institutes of higher education present their latest research and development topics, introduce new projects and discuss issues of the future.

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 31 May, 9.30 to 17.30 h

10. International Forum “Water Resource Management under aspects of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Change Conference”

The International Forum, which the DWA hosts together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German corporation for international cooperation – GIZ) and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (reconstruction loan corporation KfW), deals with the SDGs – the Sustainable Development Goals – newly adopted by the UN community of states in 2015 and the demands on climate change which were discussed at the climate summit in 2015 in Paris. Answers are expected to the question: What do these mean for German and international water management?

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 1 June, 10.00 to 12.30 h

11. DWA Forum: The Future of COD?

The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is an important sum parameter in the wastewater world. In analytics, however, significant pollutants are incurred. Can the COD therefore be reinvented or are new directives required in order to avoid this waste? This forum seeks an answer.

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 1 June, 13.00 to 15.30 h

12. Great Water Cities – Challenges of Tomorrow

Together with its sister association WEF, the Water Environmental Federation from the United States, for the first time, the DWA is organising a Joint Session. The focus here is on the experiences and challenges of wastewater disposal in large cities. The joint session is an expression of the close cooperation between the two organisations, which signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2015.

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 1 June, 16.00 to 17.45 h

13. Forum “Women in Water Management – Chances and Challenges – Personal experiences”

For the first time, the DWA is offering a forum that highlights the chances and opportunities for women in water management. National and international speakers report on their work and their professional career. They come from the fields of research, treatment plant operation, engineering offices, local authorities and associations and are available to exchange with the participants after their lectures.

With this, the DWA introduces a new series of events and will continue to promote the targeted exchange of experience of women in water management in the future.

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 2 June, 9.30 to 12.00 h

14. Biogas Forum: Agricultural Biogas Plants – New challenges for qualified staff

New requirements for the qualification of employees of agricultural biogas plants are the subject of theBiogas Forum. The forum is a joint event held by the DWA, the German technical and scientific association for gas and water (DVGW) and the Fachverband Biogas (German biogas association). In Germany there are approx. 8000 agricultural biogas plants. The biogas forum asks: what requirements are put on the staff and the facilities? What checks and training opportunities are available?

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 2 June, 12.30 to 14.30 h

15. Skills Competition Worldwide in Water Supply and Wastewater Technology

Together with WorldSkills Germany, for the first time the DWA is offering an exchange of experiences on the subject of professional competitions in water management. Worldwide, competitions are being held for apprentices and also for experienced professionals. The exchange illuminates experiences gathered in the US, in Germany and by international organisations, and what significance the competitions have for the participants and the industry.

Hall B 0, Session Area 2, 2 June, 15.00 to 17.00 h

II. Competitions

1st World University Challenge

The DWA is not only represented at the trade fair with technical and scientific information, it is also active on site with entertaining and sophisticated demonstrations. For the first time, the World University Challenge is to be held, an international university competition for aspiring academics. German and international student teams compete against each other and show their skills.

The World University Challenge is intended to promote young water management engineers and arouse interest in German standards abroad. Preliminary rounds were held at the IFAT locations China and India. The two winning teams will be invited by the Wilo-Foundation to participate in the University World Championships in Munich. German, European and international teams can also apply directly to the DWA for participation ( The patronage of the 1st World University Challenge is held by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Hall B 0, DWA Research and Education Area, 1 and 2 June, 10.00 h to 15.30 h

Award ceremony: Entrance hall West, DWA joint stand, 2 June, 17.00 h

3rd Open German Championship in Wastewater Engineering

The Open German Championship in Wastewater Engineering is also an eye catcher and is now already entering its third round. In the contest between the operating personnel, around 30 teams from various countries show the diversity of the work of a wastewater engineering technician and the resulting qualification requirements for this profession. The championship serves to raise the profile of the profession and the industry, to bind dedicated young professionals and to attract new recruits. Teams from the USA (WEF), Austria and Slovenia are also expected.

Atrium (outdoor area between Halls A 1 and B 1), 30 May to 2 June, 9.15 to 17.00 h, Monday from 14.00 h

Award ceremonies: Entrance hall West, DWA joint stand, 31 May, 1 June and 2 June 17.00 h respectively

III. Supporting offers

Senior Water Expert Programme

For the first time, the DWA is offering international decision-makers a new format that allows them to explore the exhibition in a group, to gain further specialist training in selected subject areas and to discuss their own ideas and concepts in an appropriate framework, even if they travel to the fair as individual visitors. 15 senior water experts are able to take advantage of this special DWA trade fair schedule. Information under

Entrance hall West, DWA joint stand

Young Professionals’ Lounge

The lounge is available to young DWA members and other young professionals as a meeting place. The DWA participants in the Young Water Professionals’ programme have the opportunity to network and exchange in the Young Professionals’ Lounge. Admission is free. Free Wi-Fi and drinks are available.

Hall B 0, DWA Research and Education Area, 30 May to 3 June, 9.00 to 18.00 h

IFAT Jobcenter

The IFAT Jobcenter ( organised by the DWA provides an overview of the employment market in the environmental sector. In the Jobcentre, skilled workers, technicians, engineers and scientists have the opportunity to get to know companies and potential employers and explore career opportunities in personal conversations. Vacancies will be posted.

Hall B 0, DWA Research and Education Area, 30 May to 3 June, 9.00 to 18.00 h

DWA Joint Stand – first-hand information

The joint stand, at which the DWA and numerous member companies present themselves, is a meeting place for German and foreign delegations. The DWA guidelines and standards, reference books and software products are presented and can be purchased there. It is also possible book individual presentations of the DWA’s own software series Expert, provided appointment are agreed in advance of the IFAT ( The newly programmed Versickerungs-Expert (Percolation Expert) is based on the standard DWA-A 138 “Planning, Construction and Operation of Facilities for the Percolation of Precipitation Water” and to be published in 2016, will be presented at the stand. The new training apps for operating personnel are available for testing. In addition, the DWA training programme will be presented. Individual qualification consultations are possible.

Entrance Hall West, 30 May to 3 June, 9.00 to 18.00 h

An overview of the DWA fair presence can be viewed at